The Terms and Conditions relating to the games and promotions available on the Site are posted from time to time, which are incorporated herein by reference.
1. 定义
1.1 The following provisions define the terms and conditions that govern your access and participation in any “play for real” services provided by Winbox or collectively referred to as “Winbox”, “we”, “our” or “us” as the context requires. These provisions are intended to be read in conjunction with “Betting Rules”, “Privacy Policy” and any other Terms and Conditions governing the use of the Services and Website(s) and the Information comprised therein (collectively these “Terms and Conditions”).
1.2 “Games” means internet gaming system accessible and/or offered on the Site; “Betting” or “bet(s)” for the purpose of these Terms and Conditions include, without limitation, wagering, gaming and gambling conducted in relation to any and/or all of the Service(s) offered on the Website(s);
“Device(s)” mean any application access devices, including but not limited to personal computers, laptops, mobile phones, personal digital assistants, PDA phones, hand-held devices employed for the use of the Website(s) and Services;
“Software” means any computer programme, data file or any other content (including any user information relating to the foregoing) that is required to be installed on your Device to enable you to use and access the Website(s) and Services;
“Sportsbook” means the internet gaming system accessible and/or offered at the part of the Website and all related services and online gaming activities;
“Services” means the Software and Games together.
2. 网站的使用
2.1 只有在以下情况下,您才能玩金钱游戏:
ia 18 岁或以上;和
ib 已达到您在访问我们网站的任何国家/地区合法有权玩游戏的年龄。
ii. You are not allowed to 注册 Winbox on the Website and use our services if you are a resident of Aruba, Australia, Bonaire, Curacao, France, Iran, Iraq, Netherlands, Saba, Spain, St Maarten, Statia, U.S.A or the U.S.A dependencies, United Kingdom. We reserve the right to refuse customers from any other countries over and above the aforementioned jurisdictions at our own discretion.
2.2 如果您无权,赢宝 保留以下权利:
i. 立即阻止您参与游戏并撤回您的帐户
2.3 在您注册过程中点击相关的“加入并注册”按钮,您承认并接受:
i. 您至少年满 18 岁;
2.4 您不能将您的账户转让、出售或质押给他人。此禁令包括转让任何有价资产,包括但不限于与这些资产相关的合法、商业或其他方面的账户所有权、奖金、存款、投注、权利和/或索赔。禁止上述转让还包括但不限于与受托人或任何其他第三方、公司、自然人或法人、基金会和/ 或以任何形式或形式的关联
3. 修改
3.1 我们保留自行决定修改、更新和修改这些条款和条件的权利,恕不另行通知。经修订、更新或修改的条款和条件应在网站上公布后生效。在此类发布后继续在我们的网站和设备上或通过我们的网站和设备使用、访问和参与服务,即表示您接受修改或更新的条款和条件。
3.2 您承认并同意检查任何修改、更新和/或修改是您的全部责任。 赢宝不构成将此类修订、更新和/或修改通知您的义务。
4. 知识产权
4.1 在网站、服务和/或任何其他形式向您提供或提供的信息、材料和数据,包括但不限于营销计划和材料、结果、统计数据、体育数据和赛程表、赔率和投注数字、文本、图形、视频和音频内容(“信息”)属于 赢宝和我们的许可方,仅供您个人和非商业用途使用。
4.2 您不得以任何方式或以任何方式改编、复制、修改、复制、存储、分发、展示、发布、传输、出售、出租、出租或许可或以其他方式将信息提供给任何其他人、网站或未经我们事先同意的媒体。
4.3 网站上提供的软件、服务和信息受版权、商标和其他形式的知识产权和专有权利的保护。网站上的软件、服务和信息的所有权利、所有权和利益均由 赢宝 和/或我们的许可方拥有、许可和/或控制。您承认您不会通过使用网站而获得软件、服务和信息的任何权利、利益或许可。
5. 使用条件
i. 您是代表您自己并以您自己的个人身份行事,而不是代表他人;
iv.您已达到 18 岁及以上的法定年龄;
v. that you are fully aware of the risk of losing money in the course of using the Services;
vi. that you are not using or depositing money which originate from illegal or unauthorised activities;
vii. that you are not conducting criminal or otherwise unlawful or unauthorised activities and/or intending to use your account opened with us in connection with such activities;
viii. that you shall not allow other persons to use your account for any criminal or otherwise unlawful activities including, without limitation, money laundering, under any law applicable to you or us;
ix. to keep your username, account number and password secure, confidential and protected against unauthorised access or use and to ensure that you notify us immediately if you misplace, forget or lose your account name or password;
x. to be solely responsible for any and all activities that occur under the access to and use of the Services on and through the Website(s) and/or Device(s) under your username, account number and password regardless of whether such access and/or use was authorised by or known to you or not;
xi. not to use the Website(s), Device(s), Software or the Information in any way which interferes the operational performance of the Services and the Website(s) to other users;
xii. not to solicit or in any manner seek to obtain any information relating to other users;
xiii. not to upload or distribute any program, file or data that contain viruses and may affect the operational performance of the Device(s), Software, Services and/or Website(s);
xiv. that your access to or use of the Services and Website(s) is not illegal or prohibited by laws or contractual obligations that are applicable to you from which you are currently accessing the Website(s) or using the Device(s);
xv. not to post or transmit to the Website(s) and/or to the Device(s) or to any other users, any unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, defamatory, obscene, indecent, inflammatory, racially or ethnically objectionable, pornographic or profane material, or any that could be considered a criminal offence;
xvi. that you are not an officer, director, employee, affiliate or agent of Winbox or any company related to Winbox, or a relative or housemate of any of the foregoing.
6.1 要使用赢宝投注,您必须完成开户和会员申请。我们保留拒绝您的会员申请的权利,无需参考您或指定任何理由。
6.2 您声明并承诺在注册和完成会员申请时提供的所有信息在所有方面都是准确、真实和完整的,包括您的姓名、资金来源(包括相关银行账户和卡号)和住址。
6.3 我们将采取合理和适当的措施,确保向我们披露的任何个人信息保密。除非任何适用的法律法规强制要求,否则我们不会报告或披露您的个人数据或投注信息。
6.4 对您的个人信息保密是您的唯一责任。我们保留在完成付款所需的范围内向我们各自的支付结算服务提供商和金融机构披露和转移您的个人数据的权利。
6.5 您有责任确保适用于您的法律不禁止您使用和访问网站和/或使用和参与服务。
6.6 我们保留要求您提供进一步的身份证明和年龄证明以验证您的会员申请的权利(例如有效的照片身份证明)。如果您的信息详情有任何变更,您应立即通知我们相关变更。
6.7 我们保留通过邮寄方式确认您的姓名和地址的权利。 赢宝 可以自行决定对您提供的任何信息进行额外的安全检查。同意这些条款和条件即表示您同意 赢宝 访问、使用和存储可能针对您进行的任何身份验证或检查。
7.1 We accept bets for games that are advertised on the Website(s) and/or through the Device(s). All such bets are subject to the Betting Rules applicable to each event or game, and to these Terms and Conditions. If a manifest error or mistake occurs or an incorrect participant is quoted for any event, all bets placed on that event shall be void. In the event of any malfunction to the Winbox Company gaming system, Winbox reserves the right to void any and all bets placed.
7.2 Notwithstanding any other provision in these Terms and Conditions, Winbox reserves the right, in our absolute discretion, to decline all, or part, of any bet placed without providing any reason whatsoever.
7.3 We only accept bets made through the internet in compliance with these Terms and Conditions. Bets are not accepted in any other form (whether by post, email, fax or otherwise) and will be void regardless of the outcome.
7.4 Winbox reserves the right to suspend and or close a customer’s account at any time if it is believed that you have breached any of these Terms or have acted in a manner of cheating, hacking, attacking, manipulating or damaging the normal betting spirits. Any winnings and/or payout including balance in the account shall be deemed forfeited and invalid.
7.5 Any forms of “abnormal bets” including the use of artificial intelligence or “bots” on the Internet will be VOID without prior notification. Any attempt or actual use of artificial intelligence by members will lead to termination of their account.
7.6 Bets will be validly placed if your username and password have been entered correctly, provided if there are sufficient funds in your account. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the details of your bets are correct. Once your bets have been placed and confirmed by us, they may not be cancelled, revoked or changed.
7.7 You are responsible and liable for all activities and transactions that take place through the use of any of the following:
i. your name;
7.8 当交易ID显示在您的屏幕上并正式反映在您的交易历史中时,投注将被视为有效并被赢宝接受。
7.9 赛事开始后和/或在您下注时赛事结果已知的情况下,不允许投注。如果在赛事开始后和/或已知赛事结果的情况下错误地让任何赛事开放供投注,Winbox 保留拒绝或取消此类投注的权利。如果在赛事或比赛开始后出于任何原因,赢宝 无意中接受了投注,赢宝 保留取消该投注并使该投注无效的权利。 赢宝 将自行决定是否接受任何投注。
7.10 除非另有说明,比赛或赛事的结果将在其结束之日确定,以用于投注目的。赛事或游戏的获胜者将根据投注规则在赛事结束之日确定。
7.11 赢宝 不承认出于投注目的的暂停比赛、抗议或推翻决定。
7.12 您承认任何和所有赔率、赔率和让分可能会在没有通知的情况下发生波动,并且上述情况仅在我们接受投注时才会确定。如果明显的错误、错误或系统故障导致投注中出现不正确的赔率、赔率或让分盘,赢宝 可全权酌情决定(但无义务)尽合理努力与您联系,以允许您选择下注投注正确的赔率、赔率和让分盘。
7.13 我们将不接受您对一项赛事同时进行的任何投注。对于任何投注及其相关交易,赢宝 的决定为最终决定。
8.1 You hereby acknowledge and agree that the Software that is made accessible to you is the property of The Company and that you do not gain any rights to such Software whatsoever. You may not in any way or by any means adapt, copy, modify, reproduce, store, distribute, display, publicly perform, broadcast, publish, transmit, sell, rent, lease or license or otherwise communicate or make available such Software to any other person, website or on any other media and/or device.
8.2 Winbox grants to you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable licence to install and use the Software on your Device(s) (the “Licence”) PROVIDED THAT such installation and use is made through a Device of which you are the primary user.
8.3 The Software is licensed and distributed by Winbox solely for the purpose of enabling users of the Software to fully access and utilise the Services.
8.4 您不得:
i. install or load the Software onto a server of other networked device;
ii. copy, distribute, transfer, assign the Software to any other person;
iii. rent, lease, sub-licence or transfer the Software to any third party;
iv. create or provide any means through which the Software may be used by others;
v. translate, decompile, disassemble, modify, create derivative works based on the Software; or
vi. use the Software in a manner prohibited by applicable laws or regulations.
9. 交易结算
9.1 Winbox reserves the right not to settle a transaction in the event of discrepancies between the bank account and registered name.
9.2 Your winnings are exclusive of bet amount and this should be considered when placing your bet.
9.3 Winbox shall not be responsible or liable to you for any funds credited to an account in error, and Winbox reserves the right to void any transactions involving such funds. Should funds be credited to your account in error, it is your responsibility to inform Winbox immediately.
9.4 Payment of any taxes, fees, charges or levies that may apply to your winnings under any applicable laws shall be your sole responsibility.
10. 奖金的收集
10.1 Your winnings from settled bets are credited to your account and shall be withdrawn in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.
10.2 We will not release your funds under any circumstances if the full value of your deposit is not played through in full.
10.3 Withdrawals of money from your account may only be made in the same currency in which deposits were made.
10.4 The bank account used for the original placement of the deposit must be the same as the name of the registered account.
10.5 Winbox reserves the right to make a charge to your account to cover all reasonable cost relating to both the deposit and withdrawal.
11. 促销
11.1 All the promotion in Winbox is not allowed for multiple accounts, if there is any collusion or usage of multiple account, all bonus and winning amount will be confiscated.
11.2 Turnover on all types of non-live table games (e.g. Blackjack, Video Poker, Craps, American Roulette, Baccarat and other non-live table games) and non-slot games, will not count towards this turnover requirement unless SPECIFICALLY stated.
11.3 Winbox will only calculate the amount of bets that have been settled and with the result of winning or losses as effective turnover.
11.4 The required turnover subjected to all bonuses are not counted as effective rebate.
11.5 Given bonuses are only valid for thirty (30) days, starting from the date they are issued, unless otherwise stated in the bonus’ terms and conditions. If a player fails to make the prerequisite value of wagers before the expiration, the bonus funds and money won using money bonus funds will be removed from the player’s account.
11.6 Winbox reserves the right to decide unilaterally to execute and, at any time without prior notice, to modify, change, stop, cancel and/or invalidate the promotion.
11.7 All promotions or special offers introduced are subjected to these Terms and Conditions. Winbox reserves the right to suspend, withdraw or modify such any promotions at any time.
11.8 In the event that Winbox believes a user is abusing or attempting to abuse a promotion, Winbox may, at our sole discretion, block, deny, suspend, withhold or withdraw any user from the promotion.
11.9 Winbox reserves the right to void any or all bets made by any individual/group of people acting in liaison/collusion and attempts of fraudulent. The money in the accounts will be confiscated immediately.
12. 赔偿
12.1 您同意赔偿并追究 赢宝、我们的员工、管理人员、董事、被许可人、分销商、关联公司、子公司和代理人因违反条款和条件而可能产生的任何损失、损害或索赔(包括合理的法律费用)和/或投注规则。
13. 违规
13.1 赢宝 保留就任何违反这些条款和条件的行为寻求所有补救措施的权利,包括拒绝或限制任何特定人员访问服务、网站和信息、终止您的帐户或阻止访问的权利在任何时候并由我们自行决定从特定的 Internet 地址获取。
13.2 您同意就所有索赔、要求、责任、损害、损失、成本和费用,包括法律费用和任何其他费用,包括可能因的结果:
i. 您全部或部分违反本协议;
iii. 您或其他人使用您的 赢宝注册 信息使用服务和/或网站
14. 杂项
14.1 如果本协议的任何翻译版本之间存在任何差异,本协议的英文版本应为通行版本。
14.2 本协议构成 赢宝 与您之间关于服务和网站的全部理解和协议,并取代任何先前的协议、理解或安排。
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